Well, I've filled up the front page with enough crap, looks like it's time to add some content to this page
Content=Brain Spew
Mother Teresa's Dead. My roommate's boyfriend says that this is the final sign that the world is coming to an end. Aparently Nostrodamus said so. Who knows, stranger things have happened.
Princess Di's Dead, too. My opinion is that the driver is the only person to blame. If the driver had any kinda sence at all, he wouldn't have tried to menuver a car at that speed in a tunnel. Aren't people who drive semi-Royalty around sposed to be trained or something? One other possiblity, that I haven't heard in the press yet, so I might as well try to spread the rumor myself, is that the driver commited suicide in order to kill Di and her Millionare friend. Who would order such an attack? Charles? The Queen? the people who make landmines? the possibilities are endless enough to keep the tabloids cranking out more trash for months.
Ahhhh enough current events crap.
CNN Headline News in on, Mother Teresa is still dead.
So is The Princess
So I guess I might as well tell ya a bit about me, just in case the woman of my dreams stumbles upon this site and falls madly in love, hey, stranger things have happened.
Hmmmm, just noticed that I already gave the 'about me' speach about 4 inches down from here.
Kinda, basic though. Hmmmm
My Color: Stand outside at 9:13 pm on June 29th at a location of 43 degrees North and look up. It's that shade of blue.
My Spirit Animal: Kuma, The Bear
I'll have to throw in some Bear links here...
I can totally relate to the Bear philosphy:
Don't piss me off, and I won't eat you.
Kinda like the Golden Rule of the Wild
Whenever I see the shows where Bears are mauling tourists, I always root for the Bear.
I know it may sound sick, but who cares, the tourist was more than likely asking for it anyways,
and if your dumb enough to be eaten by a Bear, then thats Evolution in Action.
Also, I would like to ask that out of respect of this fine animal, that members of the Police not be refered to as Bears or even Smokey, but by there proper derogitory lable, Pigs.
On that note, I'm off to snag Bear stuff for the page.
or maybe just sleep...
970906:0423 CNN Princess Di is being pulled down the street by a team of horses, surrounded by guys in uniforms that make the TV have that strange effect like when Johny Carson wore a pin stripe suit, only horozontal and yellow this time, but I digress, speaking of digression, whats the deal with the Brittish Fuzzy Military Hats? Is this supposed to be a camoflage technique? No, Omar, don't shoot that, its a Giant Muskrat, not a soldier...
If anyone know the reason behind the big fuzzy hats, write it down on a piece of tinfoil with a ball point pen, wrap 23 cents in the tinfoil (92% of a quater will also qualify) and hide it in the coin return of a pay-phone. Then dial (202)456-7041 (collect), yell Hail Eris!, hang up and run away quickly.
We will pick up the answer and entrance fee, and reply with further instructions by using Braile in the ceiling tiles in your place of business.
Keep checking every mourning until you are contacted, then follow the instructions to recieve your Prize
970906:0451, Bye.
Howdy, It's 10:30pm on Monday, July 28th,1997 and I'm editing my page
Under that is a LINUX box stuck to my corkboard with a cheap red plastic dart.
To it's right is my Fed Tax refund check, it's for $2., and it's staying there.
Under that is my end table which is covered in assorted crap.(Tums,cool looking blue ice tea bottle, alarm clock, change, and so forth
The left side shows my door, it's got a cat toy hanging from it. Here's a picture of me taken with my CU Cam, see page 2 for why there is not a color pic here.If your found this page I'd be very amazed. Drop me a line and let me know how you stumbled in here.
You can send me mail at: zentech@erols.comWell, Kat's home, and my once productive PC is now a CU box for her amusement. Maybe this page will get some more work done this week.
Oh, don't bother with the sheep link, it's not there... Later, Kuma